Monday, April 26, 2010

Cook, Meditate, Play Softball.

When I think about the next few years of my life, the first thing that comes to my mind is "inspiration." Everyone needs some sort of push of inspiration to help guide them and excite them. Take a second and think about it--what inspires you?

Yesterday morning I finished reading the beautiful work of Elizabeth Gilbert Eat, Pray, Love.

This is an intimate book written by Gilbert about her life and journey to finding her place in this world. She had everything she thought was needed--a husband, a country home, a successful career--but all she seemed to feel was confusion. After going through a painful divorce and a suffocating depression, she decided to explore different aspects of life to help find understanding and balance in her heart. She explored pleasure in Italy, devotion in India and balance in Indonesia to reach a beautiful place within her self where she found happiness and solitude. When I take a second and think about that--I am inspired.

To experience life with the focus on pleasure, devotion and balance is to go through life with all the pieces needed to be whole. I might not be in my thirties coming out of an awful divorce--but why not take the same adventure? I might not be able to travel to Italy, India and Indonesia--but why not find other ways to explore like she did? All you need is the inspiration and you can create for yourself the image you see in your mind.

So--let's get real here. How can I apply this inspirational journey to my life?

Eat, Pray, Love.
Pleasure, Devotion, Balance.

Eat: Learn how to cook.
Moving out and into the world, I think it's about time for this woman to learn how to cook. Obviously I know how to cook the standard things--breakfast, salad, pasta--(I just realized how LITTLE I know how to cook!) but I want to learn how to cook healthy, creative meals for myself and my loved ones. I've always heard cooking is soothing, relaxing, entertaining, etc. Why not take the time to learn!

Plan of Action:

Pray: Attend Yoga and Meditation classes.
After reading this book, I gained so much curiosity in yoga and meditation. I've done a little bit of yoga at the end of work outs for stretching--but I've never experienced the full process of a refreshing yoga or soothing mediation class.

Plan of Action:

Love: Maintain and cherish self-love.
After moving out, getting a job and inheriting the responsibilities of an adult, I'm sure it can get stressful sometimes while juggling work, bills, housing, cleaning, etc. It's so important to remember to have "you time" and focus on the hobbies and activities that make you happy. I want to explore more hobbies and see what other fun things are out there! I want to work hard--but I want to have fun too!

Plan of Action:
read, read, read
Plant a garden
Go to a CAPS game
Get a massage

Just like Elizabeth Gilbert, I want to set inspiring goals for myself to help my life grow. I want to go into the real world with a plan. With hope. With inspiration.

Eat Pray Love is being made into a movie and will be out in Summer 2010

Get Inspired!

"I'm giving my dreams a heart beat
I'm finally letting them breathe.
I am supporting them, and giving them confidence
I'm telling them that I believe."

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