Thursday, May 6, 2010

Healthy Hearts

What makes a healthy heart? Exercise, eating right, vitamins and doctor check ups? Or is a healthy heart made from love, laughter, hard work and adventures? Maybe a little bit of both!

When times are great and perfect, it's so easy to live peaceful and calm. But when the times get harder--thats when a healthy heart becomes an essential part of life. Now that we're growing up, turning twenty-something and having responsibilities piled on top of us--this is the true test. Not a test that you need a scantron for, it won't be timed and no, it is not open book. It is life and it is testing you to see what you're made of!

In college, you go to class, do your homework, study for tests and do everything you can to get that perfect grade. In life--isn't it basically the same way? You go to work everyday, do all your work assignments, have that quarterly evaluation with your employer and do everything you can to get that promotion. The big thought is "Graduation!! No more papers!! It's finally done!!" But really, it's just the beginning!

There is going to be so much expected of us, so much pressure to keep up and so much more to learn! You can go into it with two thoughts--O crap! or O yes! The negative or the positive. Starting from the bottom or starting from the top.

Thats where a healthy heart comes in.

Just like everything--a healthy heart doesn't come for free. It takes effort and time. It takes trust and encouragement. Sometimes a healthy heart will get a little wobbly and lose balance--but you just have to stay focused and get it back on track.

So what exactly is a healthy heart you ask? It's you. It's everything that makes you. It's your mind set, your motivation, your competitive nature, your respectful morals. A healthy heart is what gets you through life in a good way. It helps you through the challenges and congratulates you through the accomplishments. It's you. It's your heart.

Starting your life as an adult and taking your steps toward responsibility and challenges, go toward it with your head held high and a healthy heart inside. Be excited for the opportunities you have been given, take advantage of the life you have. Love, laugh, work hard and explore. Don't take this time for granted. Be thankful for the love that is around you and stay away from the negative that will inevitably follow you.

Of course a healthy heart is made through exercise, eating right, vitamins and doctor check ups--but it's also made through the greatness you create for it. Stay positive, say I love you every chance you get and be honest. With all the intense challenges ahead of you--there are just as many beautiful pleasures coming your way as well. Let that be your motivation...

On days that my healthy heart gets a little wobbly and loses its balance--this is the conversation I have in my head. It helps me along..

Healthy Heart Play list:

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