Monday, May 3, 2010

To be or not to be--that is the question

As I round the corner of college and see the finish line in the near distance, I realize that I have a question to answer--What do I want to be when I grow up?!

Obviously I am a Communication major with a concentration in Public Relations--but what does that mean really? Who do I want to communicate with? What do I want to communicate about?What relationships do I want to publicly maintain? What area do I want to do all of this communicating and public relationing in? And I cant believe I'm even saying this right now--but is Public Relations really the field I want to even be in?!? So many questions--so many answers!

Just like all graduating students out there--it's time for me to starting looking for that perfect job--but how do you find it?

Everyone is talking about how hard it is to find work these days while living through this unfortunate economy but the more I'm job searching, the more i'm realizing--there are lots of people making the process much easier for us! With all these job searching sites, resume building and posting sites, Craig's list, Mason Career Center Jobweb. So many apps that you can utilize to find a job.

First and foremost--I have to thank Mason for having such a legit job searching website. I couldn't believe how much was just right there waiting for me to apply to. There's also the on-campus interview system which has employers come to Mason for interviews where they are recruiting Mason students specifically. The job website is set exclusively for Mason students and alumni--so for all Patriots out there--take advantage of it!!!!

I also recently learned about the whole posting your resume online. Post it on the Washington Post, Career Builder, Craig's List--all over the place! I didn't realize you could go about the job search in that way but I feel like there's no better way to do it! Let the employers see your resume, see that you're perfect for the job and then have them call you with the feeling that they must have you! Rest assured--my resume is out there!!!!

Then there are all the sites with employers posting their open positions for the world to see. Just waiting for those freshly graduated young adults to bite. You have to sift through them pretty hard to find a good one--but still, it's worth the effort. My favorites have been Indeed and Washington Post Jobs.

I must say the whole job search process has been extremely competitive--and some what discouraging--but you just gotta keep on trucking through. Just like all the other people on the job hunt, you have to keep up a positive attitude, put your best foot forward and never give up. It will all come together in the end--and the more jobs you apply for, the better chance you'll get your job!

"I cant promise perfection now
But I'm trying to make you proud.
I'm only at a whisper now
But one day my voice will be loud!"

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